Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000131_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Tue Nov 11 20:34:50 1997.msg
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To: "AMOS MAILING LIST" <amos-list@access.digex.net>,
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Subject: Re: Multitasking & mouse movement
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 18:15:49 -0500
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> Maybe I should explain why I want to kill the OS :)
> Actually, I don't need to kill the OS, the only thing I want is for the
> bob's to move smooth and not jerk like they do now. I found out that
> when I used the 'Multi No' command the movements were perfect...
> I've tried everything from update off, bob update, update every and so
> on...... Still jerky.
You must be compiling with the Pro Compiler... The reason I don't
like the ProCompiler is due to these glitches or "pops".
If you are at a low frame-rate like 25/30fps or below then you won't
see them (at least not nearly as much), but if you are achieving the
max frame-rate of 50/60fps, the ProCompiler gives you these glitches.
It looks so amateurish, and in my opinion only serves as one more
reason people think AMOS is used only by "lil' kids" and simply is
not to be taken seriously. So, I'd rather sacrifice a few % speed
(which you can make up for anyway) and have Smoooth bobs using
the Amos Compiler v1.36...
[regarding the DirectMouseReading demo...]
> Please, do send it!
I'll put it on my AMOS-page, that way anyone who is interested can
grab it...
Take care,
Current projects...
SideShooter(AMOS): 80% Complete
Website(http://www.sosbbs.com/~gbenjam): 20% Complete